Andrés Sainz de Aja

Principal frontend engineer @ GetHarley

Aug 2021 - Present

Being the second engineer hired for the Product & Engineering team, i have established engineering practices, developed new products and led the hiring for the development team expansion.

Frontend developer and Team Lead @

Mar 2017 - Jul 2021

Within, I work in an international customer-facing product. As team and technical lead, I interact constantly with frontend and backend developers, designers and product owners, balancing product, technical and people needs.


  • A/B testing & experimentation: I plan, implement, and review A/B experiments on a regular basis. This included both technical implementation (measuring the right metrics at the right time, for the right audience) and business analysis (creating & explaining a solid hypothesis, and making a final decision based on the results).
  • Support people growth by providing constant actionable feedback, performing code reviews, identifying and combining strengths and team's needs to create opportunities, creating development plans and delegating tasks and responsibilities with continuous support.
  • Optimise development and product delivery workflows and processes for which I run periodically technical retros for our area to understand what are the pain points of the developers. For example, i devised a on-call procedure during working hours for our area to spread out evenly the work responsibilities and increase overall knowledge of out systems

Key achievements

  • Created the technical vision for our area, emcompasing both frontend and backend
    • Defined short (6 months), medium (1 year) and long term (2 years) milestones taking into account resources, priorities and developers interests
    • Got developers aligned behind the vision
    • Drove the efforts by leading initiatives and supporting graduate, core and senior developers to lead their own initiatives by mentoring and coaching
  • Led the migration of the front end of a legacy product built on Perl to a react single page application, ensuring both technical and product quality and having future scalability on mind.
  • Drove the addressment of technical debt in a legacy Perl system
    • Identified pain points and prioritized them based on urgency, product impact and developer experience impact
    • Defined guiding principles for the new architecture
    • Drove discussions with BE community to come with different ideas for new architecture
    • Defined the implementation plan, considering technical needs, product needs and developer bandwidth
  • Managed 16 direct reports over the span of 2 years (max 10 at a time) in multiple teams. During that time i created and executed transition plans, i helped teams craft their own vision and purpose and i managed people underperforming back into good performance
  • Owned the automated testing strategy of a new and a legacy product, both of which had no tests at all.
    • Defined criticality of features
    • Defined which type type of tests at different stages of maturity
    • Led implementation with hands on involvement (for new and legacy products)
    • Devised the guidelines to work with automated tests and constant running A/B experiments
    • Added monitoring and alerting around it
    • Drove efforts to constantly optimise the automated tests suite by reducing runtime and increasing stability
  • Currently leading the process to move our FE products to CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous delivery). To plan this change, i've provided answers to key questions:
    • what problem are we solving? (current impact)
    • what is the vision? (product and developer experience benefits)
    • why CI/CD? (pros and cons of the proposed solution)
    • what do we need to do? (roadmap)
    • what is preventing us from getting there? (technical constraints and developer bandwidth constraints)
    • how do we get there? (execution plan)

Some of the technologies used

  • Javascript / Typescript
  • Perl
  • React / Vuejs

Technical Manager @ Globant for Openbank

Mar 2016 – Mar 2017

Web application that provides a newer, fresher look to daily banking transactions. The project involved a full redesign focused in simplicity and a front end implementation starting from scratch, using modern, scalable technologies. I was in charge of a front end team that grew from 6 developers to 25, having been involved in the staffing process, the interviewing process, coaching of new hires as well as hands-on development.

Other tasks i was in charge are:

  • Defining requirements with business analysts, UX designers and backend developers
  • Maintain design, business requirements, qa and development efforts aligned
  • Supporting and coaching developers
  • Estimation and prioritization
  • Assigning tasks to the team and following up until they are complete
  • Ensuring best practices are followed

Some of the technologies used are:

  • React / Redux
  • SCSS


Technical Lead @ Globant for ScotiaBank

Jul 2015 - Mar 2016

Hybrid application that intends to provide the user with an easy way to check nearby branches and atms and simplify the process to make payments with security tokens. The main challenge is both providing an offline experience similar to the online one and supporting android, ios, bb10 and wp8.

I am in charge of defining the architecture, organizing the tasks among the team, supporting junior developers, performing code reviews, clarifying requirements, communicating to different backend teams our requirements and coding.


  • Angular
  • Compass
  • Cordova
  • Objective C & Java

Front end developer @ Globant for Sears Holding Corporation

Mar 2014 - Jul 2015

IoT application that intended to provide the user with a mobile and desktop responsive interface to handle their smart appliances. I was involved as lead developer, in charge of refactoring the app almost completely, developing new features, supporting other developers and reviewing their code. The main challenge for this project was having to perform a major refactor in the legacy app while, at the same time, implementing new features, plus keeping in mind that we had to create an scalable architecture that had to be able to support different appliances (more than 10).


  • Angular
  • Compass

Front end developer @ Globant for Sears Holding Corporation

Oct 2013 - Mar 2014

Hybrid application that intended to create a new way of shopping clothes by allowing the user to scan barcodes in the clothes, select the variant and then have it sent to the fitting room without any assistance from the seller. I was involved as a lead developer in charge of refactoring the existing code and developing new features.


  • Angular
  • Compass
  • Require

Front-End developer @ Globant for Banking industry client (mobile)

Dec 2012 - Oct 2013

Mobile Banking (v2) application that intended to provide a new experience for the user, by creating a new application with the latest technologies and best practices, supported by our own backbone-requirejs framework. I was involved as a developer in a 20 people team in charge of researching and developing new features. As the project started to grow, I got involved in developing the app’s framework along the project’s architect.


  • Backbone
  • Handlebars
  • RequireJS
  • LESS
  • Node
  • Grunt

Front-End developer @ Globant for Banking industry client (mobile)

Dec 2011 - Dec 2012

Mobile Banking (v1) application that intended to provide the user a simple, clean way to manage their bank accounts. I was involved as a developer in a 20 people team in charge of bug fixing and implementing new features. The main challenge was to provide support to a legacy codebase that had grown out of hand.


  • jQuery Mobile
  • CSS
  • HAML

Web Developer @ OneLove

Jul 2009 - Dec 2011

I worked as the only web developer of a design studio. My responsibilities were mainly developing websites (front end, backend, database layer) and creating ad campaigns on Facebook. I became proficient in different technologies:

  • HTML / CSS
  • JavaScript / AJAX
  • ActionScript 2/3
  • Apache / PHP / MySQL